Tuesday, October 20, 2009

O.S.I.: Conquer

This week's O.S.I. prompt is conquer. Here is my impression of the word.

Consumed but not devoured
Tempted but not broken
Bruised but not destroyed
Abandoned but not lost
Limp but never lifeless
Fallen but never lame
Accused but never condemned
Penniless but never poor
Weak but never faint
Between but never backward
Distant but never far
Foreign yet set apart
Unknown yet gifted
Wanderers yet destined
Forsaken yet forgivers
Despised yet esteemed
Oppressed yet conquerors


Anonymous said...

bravo!! :) this was good! lovely take..
i got engrossed into this take which was a perfect yin and yang sorts!!

good one WG :)

PS the Pratsie said...

definitely conquerors !! loved reading you again :) Hope you doing good ..

~ Prats

Kay said...

a hopeful piece, that one should find the balance...the most difficult of all, no? just lovely.

Quiet Paths said...

This speaks to my heart and the yearning for the better part of all ourselves.

septembermom said...

There is so much hope here. Wonderful poetic answer to the prompt. It has me thinking.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Excellent..every line so uplifting-

zoya gautam said...

,, an encouraging poem that provokes thought ..

many thanks ..

Yellow Tulip said...

loved it ...:)...

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Write Girl. I just love this poem. Gosh it is so powerful and raw. Wonderful work my friend.


BTW, I have had to change my URL again. Someone was up to no good.
I am now Cassiopeia Rises

Maurice Lauher said...

Sorry, I'm late in commenting. An excellent piece. You have captured the frustration i sought to depict in my submission. Thanks for sharing.