Sunday, December 30, 2012

Haiku (New)

Hello bloggers,

I hope you all enjoyed the holiday season!!  The theme for this week's Haiku Heights is new.

New Year promise the
World will show its loving heart
Shimmer red with hope
New Year speak to me
Gently in the sun-kissed dawn
Sparkling pure and true

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Haiku in the Sky

A child's wish in blue
Traces the still mountainside
With a perfect heart
Written for friends at Haiku Heights & Sky Watch Friday

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Very Cookie Christmas!

I enjoyed baking holiday cookies.  It was such a yummy treat.
Sweet, familiar friends
It's been you all this time
Tantalizing my taste buds
Reminding me of childhood
Past the land of confectioner sugar
And mountains of brown sugar slopes
Flowing through a river of creamy butter
As your golden, brown face
Rises from the oven
Sweet reunion for my lips
You can find these delicious cookie recipes and more at:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Morning Sky

The brush of yesterday
Mixes with the pleasantries
Of the morning
You say your prayer
Love you, good-bye
Your heart budding
Like the sun
Baking a cold, winter morning
Happy Sky Watch all!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tree (O.S.I.)


Hi all,

I am writing the following poem for O.S.I. and the theme is tree.  The image is from my trip to the city.  It's gorgeous during the holidays.

Sparkles new
Radiates with
Beating heart
Captures city
The beauty
Of holiday

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Storm (Haiku Heights)

Hi all,

I am writing a pair of haiku for Haiku Heights and the theme is storm:

Winter storm
Arctic as your eyes
Blue blizzard

Biting wolf
Winter storm births you
In new moon

Monday, December 3, 2012

Yearn (O.S.I.)

Happy December bloggers!  I am writing the following poem for O.S.I. and the theme is yearn.

Trumpets with red, satin bows
Sings notes which shiver down my soul
Piano keys glimmer in tinsel gold
We pretend that this room is ours alone

Private concert for my jazzy heart
A familiar tune upon our lips
I yearn for bluesy December
Painting music in fallen snow