Friday, February 27, 2009

True Confessions

I’d like to thank everyone who has supported me on this site. It has been quite an adventure and the first time I have ever jumped head first into writing. It has been a wonderful experience for me especially reading all the talented writers out there. I must admit that I am someone who gets discouraged easily and when I read the popularity generated by so many of you, I am not sure if my style is engaging and thought provoking.

I feel like I should seek writing in another forum. Perhaps I will catch lightening somewhere else. I hope I am successful in other endeavors and I will continue to write and dream.


Andrea said...

You have a beautiful, engaging voice!! It can take some time to build up a following because I have come to learn that, especially initially, blogging is also about reaching out and building relationships with other bloggers: commenting on other sites, following ones that resonate with you...that's how people discover your blog. And yours is well worth discovery!!! Stick with get to practice your craft, you get to share your voice and at the end of the day that's what really matters. :) You are doing great!

C Will said...

Hi Write Girl,
I enjoy your writing very much. This must be the begining of your writing not the end. You see I need to come to this blog and read something positive and uplifting. That is exactly what this blog provides. Keep going we are reading and smiling even if you can't see it. I love coming to this blog again and again...Stay Strong(:)

The Write Girl said...

Thank you both for your kind words. It means alot to me. I still want to write and express my creativity and I enjoy reading your wonderful entries and blogs as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Girl,
"Desprise not the day of small thing."
and it's all small. This is your baby,
take care of it and watch it grow.
Rock it Girl, Rock! Rock! Rock it!

Kilauea Poetry said...

You know I commented twice on this. The first time I thought so..then I did it over? We'll see?
Just wanted to say hey..glad your on board!