Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Leftovers

Hi all,

I was inspired by Thanksgiving leftovers when I wrote this:

It’s just leftovers
Cold lumpy leftovers
From the Thanksgiving feast
The turkey plucked dry
All his bones pried open
Meat now a bare middle
Sweet potato a little less sweet
Scraped to the bare black bottom
Of a small thinning pot
And the greens less leafy
An unforgiving slippery green river
The biscuits flaking and breaking
All now a crumbled mess

It’s just leftovers
So why now does a frown
Crown itself upon those lips
And tears clear away the table
Missing are the guests of yesteryear
Is it that tender voice you ponder
As you look through age’s yonder
To that smile that dressed and blessed
Served as a dish of gratitude
That made life good and plenty
At last it is memory and love
That remains leftover


SandyCarlson said...


septembermom said...

That was some terrific inspiration! Loved it. You are a super talented young lady :)