Monday, June 4, 2012

Lock (Haiku Heights)

Hi all,

I am writing the following haiku for Haiku Heights and the theme is lock.

Perfect lips
Lock and memory
Stains on glass


Vinay Leo R. said...

I like this TWG. It takes me two ways..

The first I imagine a loving couple, a kiss through the glass door as they say goodbye, on way to work or such.

The second, a narcissist kissing the mirror and admiring their reflection..

Very interesting wordplay I feel. Thanks for sharing!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Short and sweet!

The Lock Begins to Sing

NAWAL said...

It makes sense upside down too... Was it intentional?, if yes then its very creative.. If no then its a masterpiece :)

Sara McNulty said...

On the dark side, where I travel a lot, I imagine a loyal spouse kissing her husband/wife through the glass of a prison visiting room.

Jaideep Rao said...

Wonderful and you are successful in conveying me both the expressions that Leo pointed out! nice!

Pranita said...

Very romantic! :)
Flavors of experience!

carol l mckenna said...

like 'stains on glass' ~ lovely ~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

Amrit Sinha said...

Nice expression of love...good one :-)