Thursday, January 6, 2011

City Sky

Hi Sky Watchers,

Happy New Year! Here are a pair of photos from the city skyline. The design on one building was particularly stunning and unique. It reminds me of a golden sun or flower. The second picture is a beautiful statue of Gandhi trekking on soft mounds of snow. He is quite an inspiring figure.

You can check out other wonderful sky shots by clicking on the link:


Verna Luga said...

looking so cold... the circle figure at the above photo is interesting..
Nostalgic Skies Here

Hildred said...

Beautiful city pictures and a very realistic statue of Ghandi, - so natural in the snow.

Sally in WA said...

I thought the first picture was capturing a spider web in golden light. How unique! Great capture on Ghandi in the snow.

Jim said...

Happy New Year. Great statue shot.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

magiceye said...

Happy New Year!
lovely shots!

Chubskulit Rose said...


My skywatch

bel said...

Beautiful photos. :)

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hey-these are the snowy city and the gold tones! Great subject..enjoy your weekend-

Lady Whispers said...

wow such beautiful shots <3
Happy new year dear

septembermom said...

Love the photos. Nothing like NYC to keep me smiling.

Jenners said...

It does look like the statue is going for a little walk down the snow!