Sunday, January 16, 2011

Five O' Clock Shadow

Hi all,

I am posting this for Acrostic Only. The theme is Five O’ Clock Shadow.

Frisking his beard
Intent is rising
Vision of kisses
Enveloping her eyelids

Open and close

Craving the shadow
Long and grizzly
Oscillating in movement
Crumpling with touch
Kindling though strangers

Shaving his hair
Hot skin smooth
Arresting her eyes
Dropping down low
Only the razor
Whistled out slow


Kilauea Poetry said...

(lol)..this is too much! Enjoyed it..hope you have a wonderful weekend-

Anonymous said...

I love it. It's very clever. =)

workerv said...

The guys love this...SUCH ANTICIPATION! CLAP,
CLAP, CLAP. I think i hear a happy tune :}

septembermom said...

I always love how you write an acrostic. Always so clever.

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

I love this Write Girl, a hint of mischief!