Monday, February 28, 2011

Snake Charmer

Hi all,

I am writing this for Thursday Tales. The inspiring image comes from chest of books.

Snake charmer of my youth. Glancing back at the days of simplicity. I told my mama I’d be a snake charmer someday. I’d seduce mystical serpents and charm beautiful women.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” mother scolded. “You will become an important man and command the country with your very fist.”

In mama’s fragile, dark eyes, I can see the snake charmer bedazzling a crowd in the smoked sun. I can breath in the air of the bazaar. I can smell the scent of young women adorned in shimmering saris.

I’m in an office building as high as the blue heaven. In stature, I am an important state official as my mother prophesized. But I long to be the snake charmer casting a spell with my flute.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Haiku: Mirage

Hi all,

Here are a pair of haikus I've written for Haiku Heights. The theme this week is mirage.

Find your beating heart
In the bottom of a well
Everlasting mirage

Facing pure daylight
Reflection ripples beneath
Reality a mask

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What's Inside?

A spread of delicious and captivating books. I am looking forward to diving in and getting lost in words. Jenners over at Life With Books has introduced some creative and fun ways to spice up the reading process. My goal is to read more fabulous books and share them with all of you. I will be posting some thoughts on books I read as I go along. If you have any reading suggestions, I am open to hearing your thoughts as well. I hope you all find the joy of reading in 2011!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sky Watch: Waiting

Blue skies
Mix with white heavens
Expectant tree limbs
Waiting for spring buds
Brown bark singing

Happy Sky Watch all!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Unwatered Garden

Hi all,

This is a poem I wrote reflecting life's many hardships and the quest for peace.

I will not water you today
Or tomorrow
I will not water you
With my sorrows
I’ve borrowed
The last of myself
Tears no longer
Give themselves freely

I’ve extended myself too far
I’ve rummaged my soul too deep
Let the murmuring cease
Let the dry places reap
Let the heavens care for you
Nurture you from her spring

I’ll tend to myself
Let the roots sink deep
And sigh into the sun
Dipping light into me

Monday, February 21, 2011

O.S.I: Top

Hi all,

This week's prompt at O.S.I. is top. I used the unique and beautiful images from stockarch because it conveyed lively, beautiful art.

Graceful legs
Spinning top
Rapturous bend
Dancing silhouette
Glint of sunlight
Raised fingertips
Consenting wrists
Down the arms
Round her shoulders
Elegant torso
Circular hips
Mesmerizing legs
Endless whirl
Spinning, continuous top

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My Second Blogiversary!!

Hi bloggers,

It is my second blogiversary!! The time has skipped by so fast with countless poems, stories, and memes. I have thoroughly enjoyed your insights, thoughts, and beautiful comments. I especially like to thank all of you for your wonderful support. Here’s a toast to another memorable year in the blogging world.

Until next time…XOXO Write Girl

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chasing Sunset

Chasing sunset

Before the darkness

Settles in

Happy Sky Watch all!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Incandescent (O.S.I.)

Hi all,
I am posting this for O.S.I. and the theme is incandescent. I used the poetic form etheree.

With fervor
Rays of tangerine
Sweet summers in the sky
Dripping light caresses arms
Waves iridescent shimmer bright
Ponder universe between our eyes
The world in our fingertips full of light

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sweet Treats

Dreamy valentine
Laced in cream and chocolate
Swooning and divine

Something sweet for all of you!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

As Time Goes By

Hi all,

I hope you all have a lovely Valentine's Day tomorrow.

Here lay an uncertain future as Sophie’s heart floated off into gray clouds. She could convince herself to board the plane and leave everything behind. Why now did she hesitate? There were no signs of him on her cell phone, no lingering man behind her shoulders. He had loved her less. Perhaps, he didn’t love her at all.

The revelation weakened her where she stood. She laid her head against the luggage and prayed to be invisible. She mixed her sorrow with fresh raindrops gliding down the windows.

Sophie had only known him for a year but it felt like one hundred. They had aged and matured in thought, acquired some gray hairs along the journey. They tasted each other’s raw scars and loved fiercely. She loved him through sight, reconnected through touch. His words were melodic and made her quiver inside. She felt natural in his arms, beautiful, and full of light.

There were yesterdays and tomorrows shared in quiet company. There were quiet mornings to lay their heads upon. There were kisses that provoked intimacy. Now this severance made her life unbearable.

She heard the melody of As Time Goes By grow louder in her head. It flooded all the thoughts of her heart. She instantly recalled evenings wrapped in his arms, watching Casablanca, and gazing up at him. Instinct told her to lay her head back, and he caught her in his arms. Tears rolled thunderously down her cheeks. She couldn’t suppress the sobs coming from her lips. The melody grew louder in her ears, and she felt the courage to face her comforter.

He gazed on her with full, dark eyes. She saw a reflection of gray clouds in them. She wrapped her arms around him as time stood in place.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cairo Egypt (Acrostic Only)

Hi all,

I am posting this for Acrostic Only. The recent news of President Mubarak's resignation makes this poem poignant.

Cries in night
Arresting the world
Imploring the rich
Rising in numbers
Outcry for justice

Egyptian blood spilled
Galvanized in spirit
Youth stand strong
President loses control
Time for change

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sky Watch: Sign of Spring?

I have gratitude for the sun slicing through the cold, winter sky. Is it a sign of spring?

Happy Sky Watch to all.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Humility (O.S.I.)

Hi all,

I am posting this for O.S.I. The theme is humility.

Singular being
Gazing up at the sun
Finding the earth beneath her
Baking and warm
Infinite wind in each direction
Pulling the hairs on her head
Universal poem to be read
The earth turns in the bluest of seas
Her self centered world sped away
Indebted to the spirit of humility

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Visit From Fairies

Hi all,

I am posting this for Thursday Tales. The accompanying art is by Michaël Zancan at DeviantArt.

John had spent the entire evening daydreaming in his dorm room. He loosened his grip on the paintbrush and drifted off into a long dream. He could feel the gentle light of dawn caressing his arms. The walls opened up, and he basked in the hour of sunlight. Vegetation sprouted from the earth and grew along the four corners of his walls. He spotted beautiful, foreign creatures with wings as fairies. They flickered in shades of blue and teal and rested along his body. They spoke in hushed, little voices. John rested his head and marveled at their angelic song.

When John woke, the light had receded and descended into night. He could hear the muffled voices and cackles of his roommates beneath the door. He unearthed new longing and inspiration as visions of his dream came alive on canvas. Little fairies rested their wings on his mind. They burst in ripe colors as he painted feverishly through the night.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Hot Sky

Hi all,

The sky is hot and beautiful in shades of blue and pink. Perhaps it will melt the sheets of snow and ice beneath my feet. Happy Sky Watch to all!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Splendor (Haiku)

Hi all,

Today I've chosen the wintry weather as my muse for this week's Haiku Heights.

Snow on morning’s wings
Crystal ice, shadows in blue
Icicle splendor

Fleece snow in meadows
Footprints of yesterday’s storm
Chasing spring’s antlers