Hi all,
Tonight, I am inspired to write a short story from
Thursday Tales. The artist is Sara Vandermeulen at
I've borrowed the stoic face of the scarecrow. I've laid his midnight top hat upon my head. I've worn his purple robes and the cobwebs tangled on the sleeves. I've taken his place in spring meadows as the wind plays into evening. Gazing out, I am the groom of the crow who greets me.
I've found a lover in the sun. A lover who has never lacked in intensity and fondness. The sun rays pour out like kisses upon me. And the moon is my confidant in those long, weary nights. When the universe refuses to birth a star, give me cups of moonlight.
Tomorrow and ages hence, I will be like forgotten straw and stick. The fields grow desolate of passersby. Only curious children will notice my presence and greet me.