Hi all,
Happy Watery Wednesday! This photo was taken during my trip in Miami. I can feel the hot breeze, waterfalls cascading in my ears, and palm trees waving nearby. The images are warm enough to last me through winter!
The shadow of his little body lit like a blue flame on shimmering snow. He was white with large, brown spots and dark coal eyes. He thumped his hind legs and wrinkled his little nose at her. She smiled back at him. His little hind legs carved out her name in snow. The letters unmistakably spelled Mel.
Ignoring her roommate’s scoffs, Mel raced towards the door and let the cold air wrap around her like a coat. She felt the snow seep into her slippers. Her toes became one with the slippery ice. The rabbit pointed his pink nose at her like she was a carrot. Her roommate gawked from the window in an incredulous stare. Mel wondered if she too saw the rabbit.
Then, the rabbit jumped as if a gunshot rang in his ear and he sped away into the snowy horizon. Mel followed and felt her body feel lighter. She was shrinking into sugar covered snow. Her hands and toes grew furry and her ears lengthened towards the sky. A generous cotton tail shook behind her like a rattle. She could hear his voice now coaxing her:
Just a bit farther now…don’t stop. We are very close to the forest.
He talks! Mel could not believe her ears as she sprinted fast behind the little rabbit.
They made beautiful tracks in the snow becoming musical footnotes below the earth’s surface. She marveled at his dialect and speech. His hind legs spoke to her pumping fast and furiously ahead. One thump at a time. She turned behind her but could no longer recognize the campus grounds. It was a blur of trees and woods. The trunks and branches were heavy with snow. She looked into their eyes and was surprised the trees had eyes. They professed their history in their sunken roots. They wished to speak to her.
There is no time…the rabbit shouted. She obeyed.
They neared a frozen river that stretched for miles in either direction. The rabbit stopped and furtively glanced into her eyes. She stared into his dark coal ones. She couldn’t speak. Curiosity made her leap into the frozen river. It began to melt beneath her as the sun touched down.
Mel exposed herself in the winter air. At first, it was a naked arm dangling from her wool pajamas. It was turning raw pink then blue. She felt a streak of defiance. Her mother was not there to scold her. They were the sort of rebellious streaks most people would scoff at: mismatched socks; the left side was accustomed to polka dots and the right preferred bold stripes. Then, she graduated to bare feet. Her toes were not adverse to a sticky dorm room. She was proud of the messes left over from breakfast. She liked soggy corn puffs and milk in a pool she could step in. She wouldn’t want her mother to see her with a raccoon nest for hair, where remnants of dinner, a pencil, and notes from class had slept together and cooed.
Her roommate thought she was nuts, sporting nothing except bare legs and her boyfriend’s oversize hoodie. Wish I had a hoodie to slide in, Mel thought. Boys aren’t in season, ripe on trees, or falling from the sky.
A snowflake smiled at her through the window. Then, a pair of long pink ears tapped against her window.....
Happy Saturday! Today I am inspired by the meme over at It's Thursday. The theme is back to nature.
Somewhere the eternal sun laughs. It laughs and amuses itself whether it is alone or in the presence of company. It cannot dim its essence or hide its mirth. It is purely sun, singular and infinite, wide and great in a plump, blue sky.
This is the return to nature, she thought as she travelled along the hard earth. She had left all her possessions along the roadside. Where she was going they were not needed. In her youth, she had loaded herself down with shiny things. She decorated bare flesh in stone and metal. She lavished herself in incense and smeared her face with rouge and dark eyes.
Then it all washed away in the flood. Her life floated down a great river and swallowed everything. It swallowed everything except her soul. There was nothing left to do but return to nature in the naked, laughing sun .
The present and past had spotted each other at a long intersection. There were birthdays sandwiched in between colorful cone hats and frosted cakes. There was the occasional child’s tooth floating by. The tooth fairy had forgotten to collect it as it drifted like a white star. There were children who built their sand castles as tall as the heavens. They became lost friends of memory with forgotten names.
There were former lovers with a single rose in their hands. Their faces grew more abstract and vacant. They rose like flames in the moonlight, waltzing silently. A woman dressed in red led them, collecting roses beneath her feet.
There was youth smiling like the sun without care or worry. And the moon had leaned upon it and made the world regard the phenomena.
The present split the crowd for the opportunity to talk to her past. But the past stops for no one, retracing her footsteps, always glancing back.
Happy October. To begin this month’s posts, I chose the short story prompt over at Bluebell Books. The image is inspired by Charlottes Fancy. I hope you enjoy the child's play in this piece.
Kent couldn’t take his eyes off of bubbles. They had this radioactive glow in sunlight. He watched them until they burst onto pavement. It took the shape of our summer: one beautiful, brief burst.
“Man, we’re too old for this crap,” Matt declared. He cocked his Cubs hat sideways. “Kent, quit staring at those bubbles. Ya big dummy!” He started snapping his fingers in Kent’s face but Kent wouldn’t budge. He was content in the land of bubbles.
“I think the sun fried his brains,” I sighed. Hannah didn’t listen to us complaining. She found the simple joy of summer pursing her lips and releasing her bubbles into the wind. And Kent was her lone but eager spectator.
“Ah hell, I’m a man amongst boys,” Matt spat and he slung his ball from view. “Seriously, don’t you guys wanna play catch? You know I need practice for the JV squad.”
“Nah, I like watching Kent drool,” I laughed.
“Hey, it’s the Bubble Squad,” Sandy shouted. She and Tiffany sped their bikes around the corner to taunt us. I turned to face nasty, no-good Sandy. But she was suddenly charming with that Kool-Aid red dye in her hair. Her cheeks were flushed with a special summer glow.
“Yea, it’s the Bubble Squad. You guys suck,” Tiffany taunted. The insult was enough to wake Kent form his stupor.
“Get lost girls,” Matt threatened and he raised his left fist at Sandy.
“I’d like to see you try it,” she fired back. Sandy was a few inches taller than Matt with her mean, bulldog smile. I felt giddy staring into her cold, heartless eyes. It was the beginning of love and madness.
“Let’s be mature about this guys.” My old man had said something like that before. I gave Sandy a sloppy grin and winked at her. She shot me a dirty look before speeding away on her bike. Tiffany reluctantly followed after her.
“Why did you defend Psycho Sandy,” Matt snapped. “Are you in love, doofus?” I could feel my face turning beet red. “Lay off the girls. They’re poison,” he laughed. He shared a smile with me and ruffled my hair.
We felt the first autumn wind brush against our faces as the bubbles, girls, and baseball drifted away in the final days of summer.
A site dedicated to writing, thinking, and living. I hope to share moments of laughter, deep issues, and questions through my writing. I hope you are inspired and lifted by words.